set on fire

sɛt ɑn fa͡iəɹ


1 general:: Phrase(s): set someone on fire Fig. to excite someone; to make someone passionate. (Based on set fire to someone or something.) • Her oratory set everyone on fire. • Ted’s presentation didn’t exactly set me on fire, but it was a good summary of the project., Phrase(s): set someone or something on fire Go to set fire to someone or something.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: 1. Also, set fire to. Cause to ignite and burn, as in The drought and high wind combined to set the woods on fire. [c. 1400] 2. Cause to become excited, as in The music set the audience on fire. Also see CATCH FIRE; SET THE WORLD ON FIRE.

American Heritage Idioms

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